Mariam Scudamore | Personal coaching for Weight loss and Fitness training <bgsound src="3.mid" loop="infinite">
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Clients Testimonial

Mariam Scudamore

Achived goal in 90 days
Before: SIZE 14 Weight: 171 pouds(76KG)
After: SIZE 11 Weight: 151 pounds (69KG)

I have been going to the gym for years now & have always enjoyed it but over the years my weight has fluctuated. I hadn’t been particularly bothered by the weight flux but now that I am in my mid 30’s I am very aware that my metabolism is slowing down & that looking after your physical state can have a direct affect on your mental well being as well. Just before I had the pleasure of meeting Mariam I had another trainer who was focused on strength training & didn’t enquire into my eating habits at all or stamina. I worked really hard with him & saw him every week but I wasn’t changing shape or feeling that I was improving in any area. Then I read Mariam’s websites & saw her in the same gym training others. I was intrigued as she is not just about muscles but about the whole holistic approach to the total body inside & out. It is about consistent progression,inch loss & healthy eating. She was & is a breath of fresh air but I can not stress enough how hard she pushes you. She is reassuringly expensive compared to my past trainers & is worth every penny & more. She will only take you on as a client if she truly believes that she can help you with your expectations & she expects complete commitment. She seriously has rocked my world. I have lost 15pounds in 3 months & kept it off.I have gone down from size 14 to 11 & frankly I feel more energized, my skin looks great & I am paying attention to my eating habits not as a diet but as a way of just feeling good every day. She gave me a weekly eating plan that involves 5 small meals a day that are easy, cheap & practical to carry out.My partner is now eating my food after mocking me & now is sheepishly admitting that the benefits are great.I can not recommend her enough & if I could clone her & have her in every city to help others I would. Also, I can’t miss out the fact that she is great fun to work out with & never makes you feel bad or guilty if something has gone awry. Good luck with your training!
JonnyBen Williams - Age: 31
It’s not just weight loss. It’s about looking / feeling good, and getting strong.

What am I doing here and why?
When I first met Mariam I was quite overweight and depressed. I’m a singer/songwriter by trade, and performing on stage regularly, I was acutely aware of my physique. In just six months, my body shape, my state of mind and my career prospects have improved dramatically. A carefully thought out diet and exercise plan have given me the structure, the discipline and the body knowledge to avoid the ‘boom and bust’ mistakes of the past. I am in the best physical shape of my life right now, and I know none of this would have been possible without Mariam’s help. In all honesty, when I first approached Mariam I didn’t believe that I would see such a dramatic change in such a short space of time, but after the first six weeks or so, it became like a snowball effect. The confidence I have gained has made a big difference in my professional and my personal life, and I’ll never look back!
Adrian - C.E.O

From a physical perspective the sessions have given a direction and a series of goals to my exercise regime. I have always used exercise to clear my head, and giving this a structure has improved my fitness and concentration levels.
I feel that it is imperative that a trainer can cover a range of disciplines. I have benefited from a change in diet, which has raised my level of fitness, and general health. I no longer feel tired post exercise and have suffered fewer colds, whilst feeling stronger.
As I run my own business, it is important that I can manage my stress levels. Having someone who can understand this and develop a fitness programme to involve this adds an extra dimension to the physical aspect.
I find my weekly session an opportunity to unwind on both a physical and mental level, and enjoy it enormously.
Occupation: Designer

I have been going to the gym, on and off, for several years and finally had to admit that I needed some serious guidance in order to shape-up and put on muscle mass gradually and effectively. I observed Mariam training with other clients and was very impressed by her motivation, specialised knowledge and her big sunny smile! I have been training with Mariam on a regular basis and have noticed immediate and steady results. Mariam carefully analysed my eating habits and individual dietary requirements and straightaway I found my energy levels to be higher and more consistent and my general mood to be much improved and stable. She has tailor-made my special exercise programme to be manageable, challenging and most of all enjoyable. I look forward to my training sessions and to receiving that extra push. I am a 'work in progress' - my weight has increased, my shape and strength have noticeably improved and I am very pleased with the results so far. Mariam is caring and highly professional. I can’t praise her highly enough.
Douglas Findlay

I had an epiphany in the January of this year! I knew I was going to be 60 in the December of 2007 and felt that was a pretty major milestone; much more so than turning 40 or 50. I weighed in at 115kgs was probably drinking somewhere in the region of 10 15 units of alcohol a day and was certainly eating without constraint. Vanity also crept in to the equation. It was a case of now or never. I said to myself that I wanted to reduce my weight to 90kgs, which was the weight I left school at. How was I going to do it? Well the first thing was to join a gym and Fitness First was the nearest to my office. The second was the momentous decision was to hire a personal trainer. Mariam Scudamore was the poor unfortunate personal trainer who took me through my initial tests at Fitness First and since I always work harder for women, I asked her to take me on as a client. The effort has certainly been worth it. Without her nutrition & training advice I would not have been able to get as far as I have. Together we have got my weight down to 102kgs, Im considerably fitter and stronger, Im eating a much better diet and best of all, Im drinking less than 8 units of alcohol a week! 90kgs doesnt look so far away now, but a new problem has arisen; sometime soon I will have to go and buy a new wardrobe of clothes!
Emma Dibben

I had been a Fitness First member for nearly two years but had a rather lackluster approach and attendance. I was the heaviest and least fi t that I have ever been, when our wedding date was fi xed in April 2006, I knew that some drastic action was required as I had only 5 months to prepare. I had seen Mariam training people in the Gym I could tell that she had a professional approach and I was drawn by the fact that she looked at nutrition as well as fi tness. After less than two weeks of changes to my eating habit (diet), I felt 100% healthier as if a fog had been lifted from my skin and my body. My weight loss followed relatively quickly and after a while I saw a vast improvement in my tone and body shape. I had a huge amount of compliment from my friends & colleagues (and my future husband) on my new look. By the time the wedding day came around, I had lost 18 lbs and my body shape had changed more than I hoped. I felt amazing on the day as there were no wobbly bits to worry about and the changes to my diet meant my skin looked better than ever. I can honestly say that this is the best thing I have done for my self personally-except my marriage of course.
Bernard Weber- Age:31
Occupation: Account Manager

"Having always enjoyed my fair share of exercise and sports, I have always made time for the gym.
It has helped me work off the pressures encountered at work and I have always enjoyed challenging myself in strength and general fitness. Particularly in London, I feel exercise is vital. Exercise however was not good enough for me. I then met Mariam and asked her for advice for a balanced diet on carbs and proteins, when to eat what and what combinations to follow. After a full fitness and diet assessment, she prepared me a program to lean out and cut. The results were eminent after 4 weeks when I realized I lost up to 4kg. We then moved onto the next program to bulk up and gained 6kg, yet keeping toned and body fat down. This together with the relevant diet plan drawn up. Needless to say, the results are showing and it has been a motivational, assuring and fun time all together.
My sister has now taken consultation with Mariam and is hooked. Always to be recommended as both friend and trainer, thanks Mariam."
Kyle Barker
Occupation: Manager

“In summer of 2003 I stepped on the scales and found that I had gained half a stone in weight from my earlier, fitter days. I was flabby, unfit and prone to colds and illness. I cut out most fatty foods and went on a training regime of weights and cardio. A year later I was trimmer, fitter and had lost the extra half stone but was not getting the results I really wanted. I still suffered from colds (though not as much) and had back pain on a regular basis.

In late 2005 I joined Fitness First and had a fitness assessment carried out by Mariam Scudamore. It was fairly clear from this that while I was reasonably fit compared to some people; I had many areas of weakness. My core muscles were useless, my lower back was extremely weak and one side of my body was stronger than the other.

I asked Mariam to help me and she devised a training plan to condition my body. She also gave me excellent advice on nutrition and I realised that the key to proper training is directly linked to what you eat and when you eat it. I had been training hard and running my body down because I was not eating properly. Within 4 weeks I was fitter, more toned and felt great. At the end of 6 weeks my back and core muscles were much stronger; my cardio fitness had increased dramatically; my overall body shape was even more toned and I did not suffer from a single cold all the way through January and February.

I am currently ending the fourth week of my next training plan, aimed at putting on muscle. I have gained 2 kilos, lost body fat, look more muscular and feel fantastic. My training programme and nutritional advice from Mariam has aided me in gaining muscle without supplements and while leading a very busy lifestyle.

I cannot recommend Mariam highly enough to anyone not getting what they want from their training programmes or those about to start training. I have realised that it is best to consult a professional in order to do these things correctly, if not then one can spend a lot of time sweating in a gym for little end result. Her wealth of experience will enable you to achieve more than you thought possible.”

Delen- Age 35
I have been doing training (weight training and running) for years but have not really noticed a significant change in my body. I started exercising with Mariam since November 2004 and have seen a dramatic improvement within the first few weeks and even more so during the next few months. I find her exercise programs exciting, it always changes and is challenging. I find her passion for what she does inspiring and it motivates me to do more. Mariam also helps me with my eating plan and my energy levels have increased a lot since I am on the new eating plan. She has the best trainer I have ever come across and would recommend her to anyone who is serious about making a change in their life.
Thanks Mariam
Manuela - Age:70
Occupation : Manager

My doctor wanted me to loose weight, to reduce the risk of heart disease, and improve my health after I developed diabetes, Asthma and high blood pressure.

I was advised to go to the gym to try and exercise. I met Mariam and after a consultation about my problems, Mariam started me on na programme to help me to loose weight and stabilize my blood sugar.

I am happy to say that after only 10 weeks I have lost 13 pounds and feel much healthier. My breathing has improved a lot. I still have to loose more weight. However I am sure with the help and guidance of Mariam I am on the way to achieve that goal.

Mariam is a lovely person, always ready to listen and give good advice.
Thank you so much for all your help Mariam.

Vivien Care - Age:31
Occupation: Actress

I had felt a lack of control over my fitness and have had a chaotic approach to my diet for much of my life. A chance meeting with Mariam in January 2005 has transformed that. I was unsure of how to make real lasting positive changes. Mariam asked me if I would like some help, I began too see changes instantly and now three months later I have lost over a stone and continue to lose weight, my body and face shape has changed and continues to change, my breathing is much improved and I have better muscle definition, strength and energy.

I was convinced the gym was “not for me” but Mariam helped me believe that real long term change is achievable. I have an individual nutrition and fitness plan, real support and unfailing good-natured encouragement from a genuinely understanding trainer. I absolutely could not have achieved the results I have so far without her. I am happier, fitter and stronger. Training with Mariam is a joint commitment, I remain motivated, and training continues.

Before Panthea - Age:16 After
Being overweight has been a lifetime problem since I remember. Always wanted to be thinner, and lose weight to look good. I tried every diet under the sun like, weight watchers, soup, the green and red day diet, low fat diet. I even tried Atkins diet despite the side effects. The Atkins Diet left me with a slight kidney problem. Since started training with Mariam, She changed my yo-yo dieting and thought me how healthy eating and correct exercise is the way to go; but I really looked at this as my last chance and hope. I have lost 15 pounds in 3 months. I used to be very unfit, could barely run without being out of breath, and had a skin disorder, which was due to my weight. I can now jog. My breathing has improved and my skin disorder has gone completely. I’ve gone from size 20 to a size 16 and could not have done this without Mariam. I am grateful for all her hard work and let me say how dedicated Mariam is to her clients. I am looking forward to achieve my to a size12. Training continues.
15/5 Stone
Body Fat:
Dietary Analysis:
14 Stone
Body Fat:
Dietary Analysis:
Before Alison - Age:41 After
Committing myself to a training programme with Mariam has been a life changing experience for me. Apart from the usual health benefit. I have found that it has changed me personally in many positive ways. My close friends and family have been amazed by the transformation from “Mrs. Average housewife “ to a much younger, sexier looking woman, in fact some friends didn’t recognise me! With the new body comes a completely new image, with new clothes and hairstyle. Mariam has been a huge inspiration to me, a major motivating influence. I feel so happy with the result that I encourage anybody who is unhappy with their body to sign up with Mariam, So what are you waiting for?
11.6 Stone
Body Fat:
Dietary Analysis:
10.2 Stone
Body Fat:
Dietary Analysis:
Before Nadia - Age:27 After
I have exercised with Mariam since June 2004 and have experienced positive changes in many areas of my fitness & health. I wanted to get back into shape & lose body fat, gain muscle tone & definition and overall improve.
Mariam tailored both my training program and diet to help me to start achieving my goals. Whilst I am still on the road to achieving all my goals, I have also increased my endurance levels, so that I can now jog for 45 minutes (rather than the original 5mins). My energy levels are increased and consistent, so I no longer feel exhausted in the afternoon. My menstrual cycle, which has been sporadic for nearly 8 years, has started to return on a more consistent cycle.
Mariam is both supportive and motivational and I would definitely recommend her to anyone who wants to improve or change their life.
62 Kg
Body Fat:
Dietary Analysis:
60 Kg
Body Fat:
Dietary Analysis:
Before Miles - Age:32 After
I am a Director of a London based IT company and live a very work focused life with little time to myself. Due to long working hours, starting early mornings and finishing relatively late in the evenings, I have neglected my physical fitness and health which is essential to my well being. After my consultations with Ms Scudamore I have learned that "Low Energy Level" is what I have been suffering from and during the last 2 months with Mariam's tailor made nutrition programme I have successfully managed to bring the energy level up. As a result I feel fresher, my skin colour has changed and I feel revitalised with a bust of energy which has also benefited my work performance.
12 Stone
Body Fat:
Dietary Analysis:
11.5 Stone
Body Fat:
Dietary Analysis:
Before Janet - Age:34 After
When I first started with Mariam, in June 2003 my general health and fitness was average. At the time, I wasn’t losing weight and my body shape remained the same. The first two month of training with Mariam I noticed a good weight loss and more muscle tone, and with Mariam’s help, I knew I could have the body I dreamt of. She really went to town on my eating habits and after 6 weeks, I had lost over 8 pounds in weight without going hungry. Phoning Mariam was the best thing I have done for myself, putting myself first. Thanks Mariam
12.4 Stone
Body Fat:
Dietary Analysis:
10.2 Stone
Body Fat:
Dietary Analysis:
Before Sarah - Age:40 After
When I was introduced to Mariam through a friend in 2003, my fitness was about average. As the months passed already, I could see a change in my body shape. My confidence increased and with Mariam’s encouragement, I really started to feel good about myself, which has helped my confidence. Although my aim and objective was mainly about my body image, But I benefited a lot from talking to her and getting advise regarding other issues in my life, such as, work related issues, stress management and issues regarding my relationship with my partner. Of course, knowing she is a psychotherapist and will keep the confidentiality helped me a lot.
59 Kg
Body Fat:
Dietary Analysis:
59 Kg
Body Fat:
Dietary Analysis:
Before James - Age:? After
I was training on my local gym on and off; my weight did not change and felt disappointed. My life style was not good, late nights, bad diet and low energy. I was introduced to Mariam through a mutual friend to take up her programme just for two months to see how it would work for me and how she would change my eating habits and change the way I was training. I wanted to lose body fat, get fit and become leaner. The workouts varied, which kept me motivated. I built up an attitude to be organised, stop wasting time in the gym, follow her guidance, and advise. She works hard and trains hard. You need to remember that she is serious and mean business and no messing around while training with her. However, she has a fantastic sense of humour and being a psychotherapist, you can actually discuss whatever issues you have with her. She always has time for you.

Thank you for helping me to achieve my goal.

15 Stone
Body Fat:
Dietary Analysis:
12.6 Stone
Body Fat:
Dietary Analysis:
6 Meals a day
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