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:: Therapeutic Massage :: (Soft Tissue Manipulation & Aromatherapy ) Wind down and relax by having a therapy session.

What it is A hand-on massage: using fragrant essential oils extracted from plants. The treatment includes a detailed assessment of the client’s health; life style and emotional well being, so the therapist can select the oils that will have the best therapeutic effect.

The action is twofold: the sense of smell relates to the limbic parts of the brain (the part that corresponds to our emotion), so, when we smell a specific oil, it triggers a particular emotional reaction; and when the oils are applied through massage, they are absorbed by the skin and enter the blood stream, thereby intensifying the effect.

What it is good for: many physical and emotional disorders, including depression, stress, skin disorder (eczema, rash, dry skin) and insomnia.

:: Massage therapy and body work ::

Pain Control: massage has also been shown to stimulate the body’s ability to control pain naturally. One-study shows that massage stimulates the brain to produce endorphins, chemicals that control pain and produce Euphoria. Massage therapy can have a powerful effect on psycho-emotional distress in patients with bowel problems.

Lymphedama: Lymph drainage massage has been found to be more effective than drugs to control Lymphodema (a form of swelling) caused by removal of the lymph nods and drug therapy (radical mastectomy).Massage can also enhance the recovery from disease and boost the circulatory and immune system.
‘Back care’ (the National Back Pain Association) describes massage as a successful approach to aid the treatment of low back pain.

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