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:: The Importance of MIND/BODY Integration ::

In order for the mind and body to perform at their best, they need to be in harmony with one another. In our society the relationship of our thoughts and emotions in effecting physical change is, for the most part, ignored. Consequently, there seems to be a great split between mind and body.

Focusing solely on any specific physical manifestations of disease has in large measure, led to a medical model that can be dehumanising, in that it loses sight of the whole person. The connection between physical and emotional well-being is rooted in the psychosomatic domain.

Biomedical research on internal coherence shows how detrimental stress is to humans.
It’s a vicious circle: stress destroys coherence, and incoherence in our body causes stress.
When a system is coherent, virtually no energy is wasted.
Positive thoughts and feelings add energy to our system

Most physical illnesses we experience, such as heart attacks, cancer, skin disorders, back and shoulder pain, strokes, etc, are the extreme outcome of years of inner stress – a symptom of something that has been slowly going wrong for a long period of time which finally breaks down.
Medical science now acknowledges that many diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, gastric ulcers; and asthma are aggravated, if not actually brought about by tension, anxiety, anger and worry.
By learning how to better monitor our thoughts and feelings, and observe our mental and physical energy expenditures, we can greatly improve our well-being.

For example, some of us may have grown up in homes where anger or anxiety were common, so we naturally assume that the stress caused by those emotional states is normal – when in fact what we consciously write off as normal can be generating serious consequences for our health.
In the face of continued underlying distress, the body becomes the instrument to express our suppressed emotional pain.

We are faced with a simple choice:
To continue to blame the outside world for our stress,


To take responsibility for our own actions and responses in life and deliberately change our emotional climate.

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