Mariam Scudamore | Personal coaching for Weight loss and Fitness training <bgsound src="3.mid" loop="infinite">
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:: Fitness Training And Weight Loss ::


My philosophy about health/fitness, weight loss and how to maintain them depends on the right balance of food and taking the appropriate amount of regular exercise.

Have you tried diets like Atkins (high protein), low fat and low-calories? You notice that you lose weight but somehow the weight comes back and even you might experience more weight gain. Have you ever wondered why? On the other hand, maybe you just gave up and started slimming pills. I forgot to mention, you might even have tried the cabbage soup diet for two weeks. Why always panic to look your best for Christmas or summer holidays, when you can choose a method that allows you to enjoy food whilst staying healty and trim all year round.

High protein diet (Atkins) causes the dieter to lose weight. However, reduces intake of certain vitamins and minerals, which is due to a reduced overall calorie intake rather than the specifics of the diet itself.

Low Fat diets are much the same in that they miss the fundamental point of caloric balance.

What is GI (glycemic index)?

Where the calories come from is important from health perspective, but it is the overall caloric balance that determines our body mass. The right balanced diet is to identify the good and bad fats (monounsaturated as opposed to saturated fats) and taking carbohydrates that are low in GI (glycemic index) are essential to weight lose and be able to sustain it in a long-term plan. The GI, classifies a food by how high and how long it raises blood glucose that increases the blood sugar, which gets stored as fat and result in weight increase. Foods that take longer to digest and therefore slowly increase blood glucose have a low GI that is the best for maintaining healthy diet and weight loss.

Therefore, the steps to a healthy body begin with awareness of nutrition. A personalised nutritional programme will teach you the fundamentals of long-term healthy weight loss and you will be encouraged and supported in every step of the way.

Right Diet/Nutrition can help with :

Weight Loss, IBS, Nausea, Diabetes, Tiredness, Asthma, Diarrhoea, Eczema, Candida, Hyperactivity, Rashes, Loss of appetite, Constipation, Headaches, Fluid Retention,


  • Personalized Assessment for weight loss; agreed strategies to improve performance,

  • Dietary analysis of food records and menu planning

  • Nutritional education and correct use of dietary supplements

  • Good nutrition and appropriate exercise may well be our best and most cost-effective insurance policy to ensure present and future health


    Each individual brings to a training programme his or her own genetic predisposition, potential for improvement and willingness to put in the effort required for developing his or her own physiological potential. I therefore design training programmes, which are the appropriate balance for each individual. Ultimately, any individual training programme is designed to address the specific needs and responses of a unique individual. Being a psychotherapist and believing in the interconnectedness of mind, body and spirit, I am convinced that there is a vital psychological and aspirational component to any training programme and that we all respond in different ways to any given physical challenge.

    Achieving the right balance between enjoying foods and drinks and supplying our bodies with not just adequate, but optimum nourishment, and right amount of exercise is the key to healthy living and being able to sustain optimum weight.

    Private one-on-one training, individual sessions or training with a friend. A private session acknowledges the fact that everyone has different interest and concerns.

    I am also certified to design specific programmes ( Health & Fitness ) for special population, such as : Per-post natal , Diabetes, Asthmatics, Arthitis, Osteoprosis ( Osteoarthritis ).

    :: Achievable Goals ::

  • Elimination of Lethargy & Anxiety

  • Increased Strength and Flexibility

  • Normalized Weight and Blood pressure

  • Increased self-Confidence

  • Improved overall fitness
  • and body image
  • Maintain a healthy life style

  • Train the right way

  • Learn to stick to it

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